
The Right E-Commerce Strategy for Cosmetic Products

Scott Hothem • Sep 17, 2014

There comes a time in history when grasping the reins of a new “trend” is a must. Imagine being the last person in town to jump on the automobile bandwagon. Where would you tie up your horse? Once the light bulb caught on, how long would you keep carrying your kerosene lamp around the house? These of course are old, yet revolutionary, advancements that have made life much more convenient and spurred on countless other developments. However, in the not-too-distant past, e-commerce was an element that the health and beauty sector tried to keep at bay. Eventually though, it could not be ignored. What was shortly ago seen as an industry that required physical access to smell, sample and touch, e-commerce has become the fastest growing segment of the cosmetics industry.

A study by shows that e-commerce sales for beauty products grew by nearly 30% in 2013. This outpaced only a 6% in-store growth. As this new opportunity continues to show great potential, it’s important for health and beauty companies to embrace and implement an e-commerce strategy as a competitive differentiator.

Here are 3 keys for a strong cosmetic e-commerce strategy:

Information: While the convenience of ordering everything from home is taking a strong hold in this sector, information is still a critical element. In order to provide the peace of mind gained from touching, smelling and feeling a product in a store, these questions must answered pre-purchase. 28% of online cosmetic shoppers in an actively study and research products before purchasing. The more product information that is relevant and available online can lead to more sales.

Accessibility: The growth trend for e-commerce sales shows no sign of slowing down. As such, the accessibility of the platform needs to expand as well. The L2 Think Tank study shows that 43% of beauty product consumers shop on a tablet. While a dropdown navigation is helpful for this medium, an investment in responsive design to meet the demands of mobile devices is an ideal implementation. An infographic by shows the number one reason people shop online is to save time, your e-commerce platform can provide that opportunity.

Costs: A key metric that jumps out for e-commerce success, regardless of industry,is cost. Consumers use this new purchasing avenue as an opportunity to find the best deal. In fact, 42% of shoppers claim that finding a better price is their reason for purchasing online versus in store, according to the . A major benefit to an e-commerce operation is that it requires substantially less overhead. Controlling costs through a streamlined supply chain and efficient procedures can help you pass on savings to your consumers, creating a substantial competitive advantage. 

While e-commerce is a new path for many industries, it is now being utilized as a preferred thoroughfare for the health and beauty sector. Leveraging the availability, operational efficiency and popularity of the online arena can be a key opportunity for your health and beauty company. Read more on how a 3PL can enhance the technological implementation and supply chain efficiency of your business.


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By Katherine Wroth 15 Oct, 2024
The holiday rush isn’t just tough on Santa—it’s a race against time for businesses too. Whether you’re a retail brand gearing up for Black Friday or an e-commerce business preparing for last-minute holiday shoppers, this hectic time can be a challenge or a growth opportunity. This is where partnering with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider like Barrett Distribution can make all the difference. Here are seven ways a 3PL can help your business scale and succeed during the holiday rush: 1. Managing Seasonal Inventory Surges One of the biggest challenges businesses face during the holidays is inventory management. Too much stock can tie up capital, while too little can lead to missed sales opportunities. A 3PL partner can help you forecast demand based on historical data and trends, allowing you to adjust your inventory levels in real-time. At Barrett, our advanced inventory management systems provide visibility of stock levels, guaranteeing that we maintain optimal stock and minimize the risk of stockouts. 2. Optimizing Fulfillment for Faster Shipping Speed is the name of the game during the holidays. Customers expect their packages to arrive quickly, especially with the rise of e-commerce giants like Amazon setting the bar for fast delivery. Partnering with a 3PL optimizes your fulfillment process, ensuring orders are picked, packed and shipped efficiently. This is why we have strategically located warehouses nationwide, allowing us to shorten transit times and reduce shipping costs by fulfilling orders closer to your customers. 3. Expanding Your Distribution Network A common roadblock for scaling during the holidays is limited distribution capabilities. We offer access to a nationwide network of warehouses and transportation solutions, enabling you to reach more customers faster. By leveraging our network of multi-client and dedicated warehouses, we help you expand your reach without the need for significant capital investment. 4. Flexible Staffing for Peak Demand The holiday season is notorious for fluctuating demand, which can strain internal resources. Hiring and training seasonal staff can be a logistical nightmare. With a 3PL, you don’t need to worry about staffing shortages during peak season. Our teams are already trained to handle large volumes, and we scale our workforce to meet the increased demand, ensuring that your operations run smoothly even when the pressure is on. 5. Managing Returns Efficiently The post-holiday returns process can be just as hectic as the holiday rush. Our focus post-holiday rush is to streamline reverse logistics by managing returns quickly and efficiently. This improves customer satisfaction and helps you recover value from returned products faster, which can make a big difference to your bottom line. 6. Technology and Real-Time Insights Visibility is essential when scaling your business, especially during the holidays. We offer real-time tracking and reporting tools, giving you insights into every aspect of your supply chain, from inventory levels to order fulfillment and shipping times. Our cloud-based technology platforms allow businesses to monitor their operations and make data-driven decisions, ensuring they stay agile during the holiday rush. 7. Focus on Core Business Activities Most importantly, partnering with a 3PL like Barrett lets you focus on what truly matters—growing your brand and driving sales. By outsourcing logistics to a trusted 3PL provider, you can dedicate more time to marketing, product development, and enhancing the customer experience, knowing that your supply chain is in good hands. Conclusion Holidays are critical for businesses, and scaling up to meet demand can be daunting. By leveraging the expertise, infrastructure, and technology of a 3PL like Barrett, you can confidently navigate the complexities of holiday logistics while delivering exceptional service to your customers. Whether you’re looking to optimize your fulfillment, manage returns, or expand your reach, a 3PL partner is a must for a successful holiday season. Are you ready to take your business to the next level this holiday season? Contact us today to connect with one of our 3PL logistics experts.
By Katherine Wroth 07 Oct, 2024
According to a report by Convey, nearly 40% of consumers say they’ll abandon a brand after a negative delivery experience during peak season. Let’s be honest—peak season is one of the most demanding and exciting times of the year, but your 3PL partner can make or break your business’s success during this period. For over 80 years, Barrett Distribution has been a trusted 3PL partner, helping businesses of all sizes navigate the complexities of peak season. With the right preparation, you can avoid many headaches and costly disruptions. Here are 10 practical tips to help ensure your 3PL provider is ready to meet peak season demands: 1. Collaborate on Early Forecasting and Demand Planning Work closely with your 3PL to analyze previous peak season data and current market trends. Accurate forecasting of inventory levels and order volumes will help you avoid the pitfalls of stockouts or overstocking, helping your operations flow efficiently during the rush. 2. Optimize Warehouse Space and Layouts Discuss warehouse space optimization with your provider. Efficient space use is key during peak season, so double-check that your 3PL implements smart slotting strategies and efficient storage solutions for faster picking and packing 3. Ensure Flexible Staffing Capabilities Ask your 3PL about their staffing plans for peak season. Cross-trained staff and temporary workers can manage the spike in order volume, keeping operations steady and fulfillment on schedule.  4. Prioritize Seamless Technology Integration Ensure your 3PL’s technology is fully integrated with your systems. Real-time order tracking, inventory counts and automated reporting are essential tools to help you maintain complete visibility and control during the busiest times. 5. Leverage Strong Carrier Relationships Check with your 3PL about their carrier partnerships. Priority shipping options, even when carrier capacity is tight, can be critical in meeting delivery deadlines. Ensure they offer a range of shipping options that align with your customers’ expectations. 6. Maintain Proactive and Transparent Communication Communication is key during peak season. Set up regular check-ins and touchpoints with your 3PL to stay informed about your inventory status and any potential issues. Clear proactive communication helps you navigate challenges quickly and efficiently. 7. Emphasize Continuous Improvement and LEAN Processes Work with your 3PL to identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies in their processes. Continuous improvement through LEAN practices can help ensure that your 3PL is operating at peak performance when it matters most. 8. Explore Custom Packaging and Value-Added Services 77% of consumers have chosen, recommended or paid more for a brand that provides a personalized service or experience. [Source: Ninetailed] Talk to your 3PL about offering custom packaging or kitting services to enhance the customer experience. Peak season is a great opportunity to differentiate your brand with tailored packaging solutions that leave a lasting impression. 9. Plan for Reverse Logistics and Returns Returns are inevitable during peak season, so it’s important to streamline the process with your 3PL. Efficient reverse logistics solutions can turn a challenging aspect of the season into a positive customer experience, minimizing disruption to your operations. 10. Verify Scalability of Infrastructure Ensure that your 3PL provider has the infrastructure to scale quickly. Whether it’s increasing warehouse capacity or ramping up shipping capabilities, your logistics provider should be able to flexibly adjust to surges in demand. Conclusion Peak season can put pressure on any business, but by working closely with your 3PL provider and preparing strategically, you can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth. From forecasting to staffing and technology, these tips will help you get the most out of your logistics partner and ensure a successful season. Are you in need of a reliable 3PL partner for peak season success? Contact us today to see how we can support you.
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